Thu Jun 22, 2023

Q1. What is AWS Secrets Manager?

Answer: AWS Secrets Manager is a fully managed service from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that helps you protect and manage confidential information such as database credentials, API keys, and other sensitive information. It allows you to securely hide, rotate and keep your app private.

Q2. How does AWS Secrets Manager secure confidential information?

Answer: AWS Secrets Manager complies with industry best security practices. Data is encrypted at rest using AWS Key Management Service (KMS) and in transit using the SSL/TLS protocol. Effective access control policies are applied to passwords, providing fine-tuned control over who can access passwords.

Q3.What are the advantages of using AWS Secrets Manager?

Answer: There are many benefits to using AWS Secrets Manager, including:

1. Centralized Secret Management: Provides a single source of certainty for storing and managing secrets across multiple applications and environments.

2. Secrets Rotation Automation: Secrets Manager can reduce the risk of unauthorized access by changing the credentials for support files and services.

3. Integration with AWS Services: Secret can be integrated with other AWS services such as Amazon RDS and Amazon EC2 to facilitate access.

4. Audit and Monitoring: Privacy Manager provides detailed information and monitoring capabilities that allow you to monitor access and changes to secrets.

Q4. How does AWS Secrets Manager manage confidential information exchanges?

Answer: AWS Secrets Manager supports changing secrets for a variety of services, including Amazon RDS, Amazon DocumentDB, and Amazon Redshift. It joins these services to speed up the process of transferring credentials without application interruption.

Q5.Can AWS Secrets Manager manage secrets for non-AWS applications?

Answer: Yes, AWS Secrets Manager can manage confidential information inside and outside of AWS. You can retrieve secrets from Secrets Manager using APIs and SDKs available in multiple languages.

Q6. How can I access secrets from AWS Secrets Manager?

Answer: Confidential data can be accessed programmatically via AWS SDKs or API. Applications can retrieve confidential data by making API calls to the Secret Manager with appropriate credentials and permissions.

Q7. Can confidential information be shared between multiple AWS accounts?

Answer: Yes, AWS Secrets Manager allows you to share secrets across multiple AWS accounts using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.

This makes it possible to centrally manage and securely share the secrets of different accounts and services.

Q8. What is the pricing model for AWS Secrets Manager?

Answer: AWS Secrets Manager pricing is based on the number of secrets stored and API requests made to retrieve and manage secrets. For details on pricing tiers and usage, see the AWS Secrets Manager pricing page.

Q9. How does AWS Secrets Manager compare to other secret management solutions?

Answer: AWS Secrets Manager provides a complete management and solution for confidential information management integrated into the AWS ecosystem. It simplifies the process of securely storing and returning confidential data and provides tight integration with other AWS services. However, there are other third-party privacy controls available that offer additional features and customization options.

Q10. How do I change secrets in AWS Secrets Manager?

Answer: AWS Secrets Manager allows automatic and manual exchange of secrets. For manual rotation, you can use the Secrets Manager console, AWS CLI, or SDK to initiate the rotation and update the secret value. This is useful for services that do not support autorotation.

Aayushi Poddar